Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy and yet not so Happy Happenings... =] Part 1

Sorry about my 'lack' of posts lately! =\ Lots of drama has been happening lately! =) Along with it we have learnt many lessons and also received many blessings though. God is good! =) A bit of some of my favourite lyrics is "Even in the Valley God is good....Even in the valley, God is faithful and true...." That is so true I believe! =) I find I'm always so much closer to God in the hard times rather than in the good times.

Anyway! Heres some very overdue photos of Brads birthday celebrations! =)

At the cinemas watching Kung Fu Panda 2! It was pretty funny! XD Better than we expected too! =)

Tuesday night after Caleb and everyone got home from the hospital! :)

The birthday guy! =)

At Mcdonalds before Caleb fell of his chair and knocked himself out! =(

We went to the Chinese Restaurant on Brads Birthday to surprise him since he was working all day! =D =)

Our family...=D

Caleb! ^^)

This photo and below are of very belated photos of my friends party that was a couple of weeks back! =) This is her team playing basketball! =D

Doing musical statues! XD It was... embarrassingly hilarious! =P

Watching a moviee! =)

And the birthday girl opening presents! <3

Cutting cake! =P

It was a very lovely day! =)

Part 2 of more recent events is coming sooonn! =D

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