Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Brad!!

Happy 18th Birthday Brad! =D May the Lord bless and keep you in all your years to come! =)

Soccer athlete... =)

Very charming... and funny! ;)A littley photo! In case you can't figure out which one is HIM, he's on the far right! ;) Cuties aren't they? =P

Hopefully I'll get around to doing another b'day post about him! Sorry I can't stay longer!! =(

Lots of Drama has been happening here today! =O Caleb knocked himself out very badly today when we were at Maccas celebrating, and so we rushed him to the hospital and he's still there at the moment to make sure everythings fine! :'( Poor little guy! It was so scary, and we're still only about 99% sure he's OK, so if you could keep him all in your prayers, we'd really appreciate that! This is the 2nd time he has knocked himself out in less than a month, so we're SO glad nothing more serious happened, and that God spared his life! =) =( Hope you're having a better day! =P God bless,

Love Emma.



  1. Happy Birthday Bradley! Hope you've had a great day (apart from Caleb's accident!)

    Hope Caleb is all right, Emma! I've been praying for him since I read your post. How is he doing?

  2. Caleb is going fine now and arrives home any second now! He woke up from a long sleep and everything was fine, so he's good to come home! We praise God! =) Thanks for your prayers!
    Love Emma.

  3. Happy Birthday Brad! Hope that your day was totally spectacular!

    Glad to hear that Caleb is doing fine. Poor thing. How did he knock himself out?

    Lots of luv to you and all the Venturas.

  4. Hi Emily!
    He fell off the chair at Mcdonalds. =( He's back to normal now though, so thank you for your prayers! =)
    Another post coming!
    Lots of love,
