Tuesday, April 6, 2010


So I finally decided to make a blog. Although it only took me one morning to create, the decision to go ahead was quite a difficult one. I kept asking myself, "Why? For what purpose would you start a blog?" I wasn't able to satisfactorily answer the question, so I kept putting off the decision. Then one day I was talking with a friend about the value of keeping a diary, and about how difficult it is to find time in the day to just sit down and write. It takes me a lot of time and patience (neither of which I have very much of) to write much by hand - at the same time I didn't want to keep a computer diary, because my laptop is already getting old, and it would be a nightmare to invest so much time and effort into keeping a journal, only to lose everything when my computer died. It was then that I had a brainwave... why not use a blog as an online journal?! It would be perfect - typing blog entries would be immensely faster than writing by hand, but at the same time everything would be 100% protected!!! No housefire, no computer crashes, and indeed nothing short of a major earthquake would be capable of removing my blog from the internet. And then there is the added bonus that I can access it anytime, from anywhere with an internet connection. So that is how my blog was born.

Having just re-read the paragraph above, I now wonder why I felt the need to justify creating a blog. Does it sound like I am trying to justify it? I don't think I was (not consciously, anyway) - instead it seems likely that the reason for that paragraph was to kind of explain to any possible readers the purpose of my blog. I can imagine a lot of people coming to this blog and puzzling over the curious way it is written. Hopefully knowing the sort of person I am, though, and knowing why I keep this blog, they will understand a bit better.

For the sake of those readers who may not know me very well yet, I will make an effort to occasionally write a post basically just telling you a bit about a certain area of my life. Some areas I hope to discuss include my rabbit breeding project, music, my plans for life, any random thoughts I may have at the time, as well, of course, as recording significant or exciting happenings in my life.

So if there's anyone out there reading this, thank you for bearing with me, and hopefully my blogging will be less monotonous in future. I look forward to sharing this experience with you.

God bless you all!


1 comment:

  1. Lol....I love reading ppls blogs.....and I am the first to comment. :)

    Keep up the great work.

    ~Mystery Girl~
