Thursday, May 27, 2010

Renovations - Part 7

Not much to report, as the builders have only been once this week. However, it looks like quite a lot has been done, since they put up all the insulation where the walls are going to go, as well as the roof. I found out that, much to my disappointment, the roof blocks the view from my window (the window in front of my desk). Instead of looking out and seeing a garden and a silver birch tree, I now get to see a big green roof. I guess I have no right to complain, though. I can't wait to see the extension finally finished! In the contract we were actually told it wouldn't take more than 7 weeks... well it has been over 7 weeks now, so hopefully it won't be too much longer.

Anyway, without further ado, here are a couple of photos. This one was taken from the garden:

From the carport:

This one was taken from the roof outside our bathroom upstairs... don't ask.

Apologies for my slackness in posting the last week. I have been extra busy, and I'm likely to be equally busy until about mid-June, so I may not be able to post as regularly as usual. I'll still do my best, though.

Happy Weekend!!


  1. וואַו מאַט, איר ביסט שיין קלוג צו אַרבעט אויס אַז איך געווען מיסטערי מיידל, איך געבן איר פול קרעדיט!


    See I did it, now may I have my poem???

  2. Translation: Wow Matt, you are pretty smart to work out that I was Mystery girl, I give you full credit!

  3. Why, thank you, Kacey! I appreciate it.

  4. Hahaha... it's won't last, just wait till I get a job, and John and I visit you guys, the peace treaty will be no more :P

    Though now that I think about it, your probably not insane in real life, like your are on the internet =P

